All homeworks are listed below in order, some required datasets may be on the main page. Below the homeworks are the prediction competitions.

Solutions are availble on request


  1. HW0 An ungraded optional assignment for making sure everyone is up to speed. .Rmd
  2. Homework 1: FDR control .Rmd
  3. Homework 2, Rmd
  4. Homework 3 and Rmd
    • Due Next wednesday at midnight.
    • In solutions some of the ratios etc may be inverted. This shouldn’t change any interpretations.
  5. Homework 4 and Rmd
  6. Homework 5 and .Rmd
  7. Homework 6 and Rmd – Cleaning
  8. HW7 and Rmd

Prediction Competitions

  1. “HW1a” – Prediction Competition.– .Rmd
  2. Predictions Competition 2 and Rmd
  3. Optional Predictions 3 – Sunday Cases Redux – Rmd